Grover's Search Algorithm(グローバーの検索アルゴリズム)解説
このアルゴリズムはinverting a function(関数の逆算)と言った方がよいでしょう。
Part I. Problem Statement (問題定義)
充足可能性問題とは、入力xをN個のboolean変数\((x_0, x_1, ..., x_{N-1})\)とし、0 が(false)で1が(true)の場合、この複数ビットの入力\(x\)に対して論理和論理積であらわされる関数\(f(x)\)の出力をTrue(1)にする\(x\)の組み合わせが存在するかを確認する問題です。
例えば、\(f(x_0, x_1) = x_0 \wedge (\neg x_0 \vee \neg x_1)\)に関して、\(\wedge\)はAND(論理積)、\(\vee\)をOR(論理和)、\(\neg\)をNOT(論理否定)とした場合、この式を満たす\(x_0, x_1\)の値は\(x_0=1, x_1=0\)になります。一方で\(f(x_0) = x_0 \wedge \neg x_0\)を考えた場合、この式を満たす\(x_0\)は存在しません。
1次元目の配列要素のインデックス\(i\)は\(i\)番目の要素\(x_i\)を示し、各要素は(Int, Bool)のタプル形式で表現されます。Intは0, 1の値をとり、Boolはx_iがNOT(論理否定)かそうでないかを表現します。
\(f(x_0, x_1) = x_0 \wedge (\neg x_0 \vee \neg x_1)\)の例では[[(0, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]]と表され、[]間をつなぐ","はANDで、[]内の()をつなぐ","はORになります。
Part II. Grover's Search Algorithm(グローバーの検索アルゴリズムを使ってみる)
複数ビットの入力に対してシングルビットを返す量子オラクル\(f(x)\)を想定します。入力ビット\(|x\rangle\)に加えて結果を表示するビット\(|y\rangle\)も考慮し、下記のような量子ゲートを想定します。\(U_f |\vec{x} \rangle |y\rangle = |\vec{x} \rangle |y \oplus f(x) \rangle\)

1) 量子システムを既知の初期状態にする
2) "Grover iteration"と呼ばれる手順を複数回実行する。各操作ではblack boxの量子オラクルが1回だけ呼ばれる。
3) 量子ビットを観測すると、高い確率で期待した答えを入手することができる。
Exercise 2: Run Grover's algorithm to solve a SAT problem
実際にグローバーのアルゴリズムを使ってSATプログラムを解いてみます。まずはプログラムに記載されている問題\(f(x_0, x_1) = x_0 \wedge (\neg x_0 \vee \neg x_1)\)をそのまま動かしてみると\(x_0 = True, x_1 = False\)で正しい答えが出てきます。(場合によっては出てこないこともある?)
\(f(x)\)の値が1であれば解を満たす\(x_i\)の値が存在すること、0であれば解を満たす\(x_i\)の値が存在しないこととなります。次に問題を\(f(x) = x_0 \wedge \neg x_0\)に置き換えて実行してみます。問題を置き換えるのは下記のようにproblemとvariableCountの2行だけ入れ替えればよいです。
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert; open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement; open Quantum.Kata.ExploringGroversAlgorithm; operation RunGroversAlgorithm_SimpleLoop () : Unit { let problem = [[(0, true)], [(0, false)]]; let variableCount = 1; Message($"Solving SAT problem {SATInstanceAsString(problem)}..."); let oracle = CreateOracleForSATInstance(problem); let iterationCount = 1; using (register = Qubit[variableCount]) { GroversAlgorithm_Loop(register, oracle, iterationCount); let assignment = ResultArrayAsBoolArray(MultiM(register)); Message($"{VariableAssignmentAsString(assignment)}"); ResetAll(register); } }
Solving SAT problem (x0) ∧ (¬x0)... x0 = True ()なんか出てきましたが、これがどういう意味なのか実行結果を\(y\)を使って観測する必要があります。
Part III. Verifying the algorithm output (結果の観測)
\(|y\rangle\)を用意することで、\(U_f |\vec{x} \rangle |y\rangle = |\vec{x} \rangle |y \oplus f(x) \rangle\)となります。ここでであることを考慮すると
観測ビット\(|y\rangle\)を\(|0\rangle\)としてやることで、\(U_f |\vec{x} \rangle |0\rangle = |\vec{x} \rangle |f(x) \rangle\)となり\(f(x)\)の値をそのまま観測することができるようになります。
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert; open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement; open Quantum.Kata.ExploringGroversAlgorithm; operation RunGroversAlgorithm_OutputVerification () : Unit { // Use a different SAT instance to get a higher probability of failure let problem = [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]]; let variableCount = 2; Message($"Solving SAT problem {SATInstanceAsString(problem)}..."); let oracle = CreateOracleForSATInstance(problem); let iterationCount = 1; using (register = Qubit[variableCount]) { GroversAlgorithm_Loop(register, oracle, iterationCount); let assignment = ResultArrayAsBoolArray(MultiM(register)); Message($"{VariableAssignmentAsString(assignment)}"); // ========================== Check that the answer is correct. ========================== // Allocate another qubit to keep the result of evaluating the function. // You can allocate a single qubit with the following syntax in using statement: <variable name> = Qubit() using (result = Qubit()) { // After measuring "register" on line 17, the qubits in "register" end up // in the state that encodes the answer produced by the algorithm (decoded in "assignment" variable). // Call oracle with "register" as the first parameter (function input x) // and the newly allocated qubit as the second parameter (function output f(x)) // to evaluate the function on that answer. oracle(register, result); // Measure the newly allocated qubit and check if the measurement result is Zero or One; // One means the algorithm returned correct answer, Zero - incorrect. // You can measure the qubit and reset it immediately using MResetZ operation, // and compare the measurement result to the constants Zero or One using "==" operator. if (M(result) == One) { // Report the correct/incorrect result using Message function. Message("Correct"); } else { Message("Incorrect"); } Reset(result); } ResetAll(register); } }
今回取り扱っている問題は\(f(x_0, x_1) = (x_0 \vee x_1) \wedge (\neg x_0 \vee \neg x_1)\)なので正しい解\(x_0 = True, x_1 = False\)等が存在しますので"Correct"が表示されるべきですが、表示されましたでしょうか?どうも表示されない場合があるようです。
Exercise 4: Re-run Grover's algorithm in case of incorrect answer
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert; open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement; open Quantum.Kata.ExploringGroversAlgorithm; operation RunGroversAlgorithm_RerunIncorrectAnswer () : Unit { // Use a different SAT instance to get a higher probability of failure let problem = [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]]; let variableCount = 2; Message($"Solving SAT problem {SATInstanceAsString(problem)}..."); let oracle = CreateOracleForSATInstance(problem); let iterationCount = 1; using (register = Qubit[variableCount]) { // ======== Use repeat-until-success loop to re-run algorithm in case of a failure ======== // Define a mutable variable to serve as the exit condition. mutable isAnswerCorrect = false; // Define a mutable variable to store the answer once you've found a correct one. mutable finalAnswer = [false, false]; repeat { GroversAlgorithm_Loop(register, oracle, iterationCount); let assignment = ResultArrayAsBoolArray(MultiM(register)); Message($"{VariableAssignmentAsString(assignment)}"); using (result = Qubit()) { oracle(register, result); if (M(result) == One) { Message("Correct"); set isAnswerCorrect = true; } else { Message("Incorrect"); } Reset(result); } ResetAll(register); } until (isAnswerCorrect); // Output the final answer. Message($"{finalAnswer}"); } }
Part IV. Exploring the success probability of the algorithm (正しい結果が得られる確率について)
- 検索スーペースのサイズ(変数の数や問題の式)
- 式を満たす解の種類の数
- グローバーのアルゴリズムを実行する回数
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert; open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement; open Quantum.Kata.ExploringGroversAlgorithm; operation RunGroversAlgorithm_CalculateSuccessProbability () : Unit { // Here are the SAT instances with different success probabilities mentioned earlier to get you started // 1 solution: [[(0, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)]] // 2 solutions: [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)], [(1, false), (2, false)]] // 3 solutions: [[(1, false)], [(0, true), (2, true)]] // 4 solutions: [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]] let variableCount = 3; let problem = [[(1, false)], [(0, true), (2, true)]]; Message($"Solving SAT problem {SATInstanceAsString(problem)}..."); let oracle = CreateOracleForSATInstance(problem); let iterationCount = 1; using (register = Qubit[variableCount]) { // Define a mutable variable to store the number of times the algorithm succeeded. mutable successCount = 0; for (i in 1 .. 100) { // Loop body: run Grover's search using "GroversAlgorithm_Loop", // measure the answer and check whether it is correct. // Use "set successCount += 1;" to increment the success counter. GroversAlgorithm_Loop(register, oracle, iterationCount); let assignment = ResultArrayAsBoolArray(MultiM(register)); Message($"{VariableAssignmentAsString(assignment)}"); // Check that the answer is correct. using (result = Qubit()) { oracle(register, result); if (M(result) == One) { Message("Correct"); set successCount += 1; } else { Message("Incorrect"); } Reset(result); } // Remember to reset the qubits in "register" at the end of each iteration! ResetAll(register); } // Output the success probability of the algorithm. Message($"The algorithm succeeds with {successCount}% probability."); } }
open Microsoft.Quantum.Convert; open Microsoft.Quantum.Measurement; open Quantum.Kata.ExploringGroversAlgorithm; operation RunGroversAlgorithm_CalculateSuccessProbability () : Unit { // Here are the SAT instances with different success probabilities mentioned earlier to get you started // 1 solution: [[(0, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)]] // 2 solutions: [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)], [(1, false), (2, false)]] // 3 solutions: [[(1, false)], [(0, true), (2, true)]] // 4 solutions: [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]] let problems = [[[(0, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)]], [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)], [(1, true), (2, true)], [(1, false), (2, false)]], [[(1, false)], [(0, true), (2, true)]], [[(0, true), (1, true)], [(0, false), (1, false)]] ]; let variableCounts = [3, 3, 3, 2]; mutable variableIndex = 0; for (problem in problems) { let variableCount = variableCounts[variableIndex]; set variableIndex +=1; Message($"Solving SAT problem {SATInstanceAsString(problem)}..."); let oracle = CreateOracleForSATInstance(problem); let iterationCount = 1; using (register = Qubit[variableCount]) { // Define a mutable variable to store the number of times the algorithm succeeded. mutable successCount = 0; for (i in 1 .. 100) { // Loop body: run Grover's search using "GroversAlgorithm_Loop", // measure the answer and check whether it is correct. // Use "set successCount += 1;" to increment the success counter. GroversAlgorithm_Loop(register, oracle, iterationCount); let assignment = ResultArrayAsBoolArray(MultiM(register)); //Message($"{VariableAssignmentAsString(assignment)}"); // Check that the answer is correct. using (result = Qubit()) { oracle(register, result); if (M(result) == One) { set successCount += 1; } if (i % 10 == 0) { Message($"counter i={i} successCount={successCount}"); } Reset(result); } // Remember to reset the qubits in "register" at the end of each iteration! ResetAll(register); } // Output the success probability of the algorithm. Message($"The algorithm succeeds with {successCount}% probability."); } } }
Demo: Exploring the success probability of Grover's algorithm